World Bank: Safer Roads Boost GDP

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Road safety is a global challenge, as demonstrated in this CSIS report. Its effects are acutely felt in low- and middle-income (LCIM) countries, which now witness the majority of global road deaths. A new report, released by the World Bank, has found evidence that reductions in road traffic injuries (RTI) and mortality could produce substantial long-term economic gains from some LCIM countries. The following figures summarize key findings from the report:

2-3: Lost per capita GDP growth for LCIM countries that would result from a failure to meet the UN sustainable development goal of reducing road deaths by 50 percent by 2020

15-29: The age group for which RTIs are the single largest cause of death and long-term disability

22: The potential percentage rise in per capita GDP that could result from a 50 percent reduction in road traffic deaths and injuries in select countries over the next 24 years

135: The number of countries for which data was collected to complete the study

1.25 million: The number of people killed on the world’s roads each year

20-50 million: The number of people seriously injured by RTIs

Source: World Bank

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